Top fiction ghostwriting company, fiction ghostwriters for hire

Ghostwriting fiction

Sometimes our imagination decides to soar and leave us with such unrelenting and thought-provoking ideas that make us wish to turn these ideas into a published book. However, we feel that we lack the writing skills and experience to pen out our ideas but otherwise would have been a masterpiece. Fortunately, these aspiring writers can collaborate with mysterious ghostwriters to create a beautifully crafted book with a creative touch if necessary without acknowledgement or inclusion on the cover with the author name. If you are wondering why would they do that, it’s because they are paid an astronomical amount for their high-quality skills, creative writing, advice and support and complete the book in a short amount of time. Here is hire a ghostwriter.


fiction ghostwriting services  is a perfect fit for people who do not have enough time, energy or skill to morph their valuable ideas into written form. A professional ghostwriter can flesh out your plot organize your storyline to make it interesting and readable while advising writers who do not have any experience in the publishing industry, ghostwriters also can make your fictional writing captivating and comprehensive.


The typical process one goes through when dealing with fictional ghostwriting services- the author first selects the suitable fictional ghostwriter as connection and chemistry between them is necessary to work together and have enough trust that you can freely tell your intimate thoughts,  details of the plot you can meet the ghostwriter physically or through a video call secondly, the author sends a template of their ideas to the ghostwriter to work with, in return, the ghostwriter forms the rough draft of the outline he is going to work with that is if the author is satisfied with it or else they will go over other outlines after that a second draft is written and presented to the client to make any comments or correction or clarify if few details need changes that leads to the formation of the final draft which goes through proofreading and editing that is later published.

If everything works smoothly about ten months to a year is needed for a decent-sized book but the length of time can be affected by the requirements of the client.


The ghostwriter you intend to hire should be compatible with you and your style while having many positive characteristics like understanding, trustworthiness, experienced, patient, a good listener and you should choose a ghostwriter that suits the requirement and genre of the novel by looking at their previous work you can confirm the area of their expertise also you can communicate with their clients secondly let them know your goals and expectations of this project so they can fulfil what you are striving to achieve thirdly you can choose the suitable budget by discussing with them and keep in mind to sign the non-disclosure agreement while ensuring that you own the copyrights but in some cases, the author may choose to give the ghostwriter some royalties.

Hiring a ghostwriter can be a great investment option as many famous books you have read might have been written by some ghostwriter and author benefits from returns of their investment through book sales or new business opportunities ghostwriting services can cost anywhere from $20000 to $100000 depending on the credit given to the ghostwriter, complexity, genre and length of the book but most writers break the cost into instalments.

In addition to this, in cases where people whose books fall within the broad genres of business or personal development, oriented towards an entrepreneurial audience or when somebody wants to write a non-fiction book, there are ghostwriting services that only work with non-fictional writers.


People get upset when they learn that instead of their favourite writers some, ghostwriter has written their beloved novels and consider them frauds because they are taking credit for someone else effort, however, the process of ghostwriter requires a lot of engagement and exertion from the client on the flip side when the popular writers are busy with their interviews campaigns or suffer the writer’s block they consider taking help from a ghostwriter to compose their next book a beneficial option.


fiction writers for hire  may wonder that are ghostwriters common in the publishing industry as they are that expensive to hire, about 60% of the bestsellers are ghostwritten although sometimes these books only have the assistance of ghostwriters while the major work is done by the author.


These are the ghostwriting companies where you can hire the best ghostwriters to write your upcoming fictional books:-

  • Upwork
  • ghostwriting solutions
  • professional ghostwriter
  • ka-writing
  • Fictionghostwriting
  • The Urban Writers



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