Gadsden Flag: The Ready To Strike Symbol of Liberty and Freedom From Oppression

Gadsden Flag

A flag is a symbol of an idea or an ideal. It’s not just a decorative artifact, nor is it something to be revered for its own sake. The world treasures it for what it represents. Many flags like the Gadsden flag or the dont tred on me flag hold the highest regard for their history, the ultimate sacrifice made by the people, and the values that the country and its people represent. visit here

Each flag has its remarkable tale to tell by virtue of its history. When it comes to the history of the Gadsden flag, there are more than a few tales to tell. Here are a few glorious facts about the flag that you should know.

Gadsden Flag’s Stellar History:

Christopher Gadsden, a well-respected war general, and political leader, conceived the flag during the American Revolution. He outlined the flag as a symbol of the original colonies fighting united against a powerful threat. Initially, the flag was flown in 1775, but it predates the American Revolution.

While Gadsden fashioned what is now known as the Don’t Tread on Me flag, the rattlesnake symbol can be traced back to another significant personality in American history. During the French and Indian War of 1751, Benjamin Franklin used a cut-up image of a rattlesnake to indicate that the colonies needed to unite or face obliteration.

Even after the Revolution, the dont tred on me flag would be a lasting legacy. When the Continental Congress authorized the official Seal of the War Office concept in 1778, the rattlesnake symbol received formal recognition. 

Striking Features of the Flag:

The basic design of the Gadsden flag is the first thing to learn about so you can recognize it when you see it. The primary element of this flag is a rattlesnake that is coiled and poised to blitz with his fangs on a yellow backdrop. The bottom of the flag features the phrase “Don’t Tread On Me.” The statement was historically “Do Not Tread On Me,” but somewhere along the path, it was altered to “Don’t.” There are still flags on the market with both phrasings.

The design was inspired by the First Navy Jack and created by Christopher Gadsden. The slogan “DONT TREAD ON ME” was included on the First Navy Jack flag, along with a rattlesnake. It does, however, have a red and white horizontal striped backdrop rather than an all-yellow background. In the First Navy Jack, the rattlesnake was rather uncoiled.

Gadsden’s Flag and the RattleSnake Insignia Today:

The all-powerful rattlesnake insignia went on to become one of America’s oldest distinguishing pictures, continuing in use today from its original adoption as part of a spirit of defending the nation. The symbolic flag is still unfurled in Charleston, South Carolina, to honor its designer, Christopher Gadsden. Several states, notably South Carolina, have also approved Gadsden flag-themed license plates. 

Even after more than 200 years, the rattlesnake finds its place in numerous elements of the American administration, standing as a universal symbol of liberty and freedom from oppression.