Eight Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2021

digital marketing trends

We’re midway into 2021, and many people have had a difficult year. Consumer behavior has been shifted as a result of the epidemic, and companies have had to respond quickly, driving new digital marketing trends. Some of these ideas have taken off because of how good they are at reaching the masses in this virtual, stay-at-home era, rather than because they are new.

Digital Marketing Trends

Many marketers last year cited workflow difficulties and antiquated technology as roadblocks to efficient marketing. Where demand has stayed steady, some industries have escaped unharmed, but many have seen their budgets slashed left and right. Low-cost marketing strategies are more important than ever in 2021. Take a look at these popular digital marketing trends for 2021. If you haven’t yet joined the queue, now is the moment!

1. Real-time videos

Live streams account for one out of every five videos on Facebook, and other social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn have also embraced the format. Many companies and organizations were compelled to move their events to the internet in 2020, and this trend has persisted into 2021.

Live videos are inexpensive since all you need is a good internet connection and a laptop or phone, and they give companies new ways to contact and interact with their fans. People also enjoy live videos because they can watch uncut and unedited footage as well as see behind the scenes with their favorite businesses and influencers.

2. Bite-sized content

Short, simple, and readily digestible content is what bite-sized content is all about. As people’s attention spans become shorter as they scroll endlessly, TikTok, Instagram Reels, and stories content become more popular. Users nowadays like to receive value from the content without having to watch or look at it for long periods of time. Memes, GIFs, and infographics are examples of bite-sized content, in addition to short videos.

3. Personalization

For many years, personalization has been a significant element of digital marketing trends. It entails offering content that is personalized for each consumer. Consumers believe they only interact with content that is customized and suited to their interests, according to this survey.

Personalization has become much more feasible thanks to advances in data and AI technologies. They may help you customize your campaigns and content by pulling insights from your data, including timings, channels, frequency, and more.

4. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has surpassed email marketing, organic search, and sponsored search as the fastest-growing channel for companies. It’s also the most cost-effective, which is unexpected. Businesses make $6.50 on average for every $1 spent.

The top 13% of earners make $20 or more each hour. In addition, 51% of businesses said that influencer marketing helped them gain higher-quality customers. Working with influencers with a huge following, on the other hand, maybe expensive. Here’s how to discover and engage the perfect influencers for your brand.

5. Use of Social Media Networks as Retail Stores

Many individuals learned how to do business online as a result of the epidemic. Online business solutions have also been developed using social media platforms. Facebook and Instagram, in particular, have integrated purchase and shopping features into their apps. Users can now make purchases without switching between apps thanks to Facebook Marketplace and Shops, as well as shoppable Instagram posts.

This is even more convenient for customers. This is a way for businesses and brands to sell items online without having to establish their own online store and website.

6. Chatbots

Chatbots are also expected to be one of the most popular digital marketing trends in 2021. They provide companies with a great deal of convenience and efficiency since they can assist with any client concern 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Customers also want to resolve difficulties or complete purchases without having to contact or email customer care, according to this poll.

Chatbots allow for a conversation with consumers while fixing their problems, giving a human touch to encounters, and assisting in the development of client connections. On the business side, companies may now converse with numerous customers at the same time, lowering the cost and demand for customer care employees.

7. Reliability

Consumers and brands are living in perilous times, with a massive health epidemic on the horizon. Many significant events, such as Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, and the LGBTQ+ movement, have caused us to reflect. To identify with and trust companies, customers now want more than simply fantastic deals and discounts.

They want authenticity, and they want to know that the company shares its values. Accountability, openness, empathy, and advocacy are more important than ever in messaging and campaigns. The days of hiding it till you make it are long gone. Authenticity and humanity are a trend that will continue to gain traction.

8. Omnichannel Marketing

During the purchase process, more than half of buyers use three to five distinct channels. Marketing across many platforms is not omnichannel marketing. It also reacts to the demands of customers and communicates a consistent message that motivates individuals to take action.

A consumer’s cognitive process evolves throughout their purchase experience, and a brand messaging must adapt to keep up. Let’s say a client receives a text message about a new deal and decides to check it out, but then abandons their shopping basket.


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