Destiny Xur Location

Destiny Xur Location

Destiny Xur location is sometimes like finding a grain on the seashore! In the world of Destiny, the weekly merchant of Exotic Items, Xur, jitters around random locations. He is the one who sells legendary and exotic items to Legendary Shards. In Destiny 2, he can appear anywhere around the map, including inside the Tower. This week (May 13-17), Destiny’s Xur location is inside the EDZ; he will be resting on a bluff above the Winding Cove. Besides Tower, he may appear anywhere in the public sector of any of the four worlds: Zone, Titan, IO, and Nessys.

Finding him is never an easy task as he changes his location every week. He only manifests himself on the weekends between 12 PM EST on Friday to 12 PM EST on Tuesday.

Destiny’s Xur can float anywhere like Schrodinger’s cat with a large area to roam. Once he shows up, he can be anywhere.

What is the most authentic web portal to find Destiny Xur’s Location?

According to Google’s Search Engine, is the most authentic website to know about Xur’s latest location. It tracks down Xur’s every week and updates its latest location, so you don’t have to wander to hunt for him. With our latest and updated information about his location, you’ll be able to go straight to Xur’s precise location and buy from him what you exactly need.

What is the most authentic web portal to find Destiny Xur's Location?

What was Xur of Destiny 2 selling this Friday?

  • Graviton Forfeit: Exotic Hunter Helmet
  • Cerebrus+1: Exotic Auto Rifle
  • Nezarec’s Sin: Exotic Warlock Helmet
  • Synthoceps: Exotic Titan Gauntlets
  • Dead Man’s Tale: Moving Target Kinetic Scout Rifle (Cranial Spike): 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, Exotic Cipher Ascendant Shard.
  • Hawkmoon: Kinetic hand cannon (Paracausal Shot): 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, Exotic Cipher, Ascendant Shard.
  • The Last Dance, Arc sidearm
  • Bite of the Fox, Kinetic sniper rifle.
  • Shattered Cipher, Void Machine Gun
  • Sojourner’s Tale, Solar shotgun
  • Farewell, Kinetic sidearm
  • Kairos Function armor set
  • Sorrow’s Verse, Arc auto rifle
  • Gridskipper, Void pulse rifle

In the Season of the Lost, Xur also has a collection of old armor and weapons in his inventory, like Ada-1 and Banshee-44. However, these items are difficult to find in the long past seasons. Each armor and weapon costs only 50 Legendary Shards and 1,000 Glimmer.

Where is Xur? App for Destiny 2

Where is Xur? Destiny 2 is a free-of-cost, intuitive application with a user-friendly interface. It is available over Google Play Store and App Store for IoS. You have to install the app and launch it to learn where Xur is and what he has in his selling inventory this week. Having a rating of 4.7 and 38k reviews, it has many amazing features:

Where is Xur? App for Destiny 2

  1. You can find out Destiny Xur’s exact location on a map.
  2. You can see all the detailed perks and the stats of armor or a weapon.
  3. Destiny 2 App incorporates the most classic feature of Guardian Wishlist. A user can see the real-time voting and respective percentage of every item. Destiny 1 App only showed the percentage of the items with the maximum number of votes.
  4. You can rate and write reviews on every exotic item. You can check the popularity of every specific exotic item with the Destiny Community and the number of buyers interested in buying a specific exotic.
  5. You can find out the best exotic according to the community rating given to each item.
  6. The Most Important One: You can automatically track when Xur arrives within the Destiny 2 App in your local timezone. No hunt needed to find out Destiny Xur’s Location.
  7. You can figure out the details of all the potential Loot Xur would bring in the upcoming week. Furthermore, you can rate and review them.
  8. You get Custom Notifications for Xur’s arrival and departure in your respective timezone.
  9. You can now properly see the perks of Hawkmoon and Dead Man’s tale.
  10. You can check all the previously traded exotic items in the archives feature of the app. Accordingly, you can see how many times Xur has brought a particular exotic item to trade.

Exotic Cipher would determine Destiny Xur’s location this week

In Beyond Light, Xur is after an Exotic Cipher that lets you buy old Exotics from the Monuments to Lost Light Kiosks. Some exotics like Heir Apparent and Truth need these archaic items and some other currencies to pick them up. Destiny Xur wants you to complete 21 Strikes or win Gambit Matches this week.

By finishing the quest, you will win an Exotic Cipher and use it any way you want.

Where Is Xur Destiny 1

In Destiny 1, We could see Xur as a merchant selling armor, exotic weapons, and consumables in the return of Motes of Light and Strange Coins. The better you are geared up with Xur’s exotics, the better your chances against the foe. From the Crucibles to the Rings of Saturn, Xur is the center of your quest. Just like every other war story, the more you are equipped with offenses and defenses, the greater your chances to survive and thrive.

Where Is Xur Destiny 1

Don’t underestimate Destiny’s Xur and his power; he is the greatest advantage against the power of darkness and the other fellow guardians in the Crucible. However, regularly tracking him is inevitable, where Xur’s location comes into play. You have to track Xur’s location each weekend and check if he has all those gems, like Sniper Rifle of Patience and Time, ”Obsidian Mind Helmet”, or ”Heart of the Praxis Fire.”

In Destiny 1, he appeared only on weekends between 5 AM EST on Friday to 5 AM EST Sunday, either in The Reef or The Tower. Destiny 1’s Xur Location fluctuated between these two places, and for a questing guardian such as you, this is nothing less than a battle.

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Final Words

Finding Destiny Xur location is the crux of the whole Destiny game. When you can’t catch him, you can’t discover and unlock the potential of his exotic weapons, and hence, no question of winning or even playing The Game of Destiny.